Model development for international nurse educator partnerships: relationship-building process and strategies

  • Sandra Cadena University of South Florida
Palabras clave: Nursery, Faculty, Nurse practitioners, Partnership Practice, health Educators, Professional Practice, Foreign professional personnel, International cooperation


Cultural diversity and its impact on patient care contribute to persistent health care disparities. In attempts to enhance nursing  student  cultural  awareness  and  sensitivity,  nurse educators  seek  international  opportunities,  often  times  in low resource countries, as ways to expand upon culturally diverse experiences. A model that addresses relationship-building among faculty from different countries and cultures contributes  to enhanced professional relationships, minimizes  collaboration  barriers,  and  maximizes  shared teaching opportunities during  international experiences.  It  is critical  in  relationship-building  among  nurse  educators  to develop  implementation  strategies  that  facilitate comprehensive and effective student encounters. 

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Cómo citar
Cadena S. Model development for international nurse educator partnerships: relationship-building process and strategies. MedUNAB [Internet]. 31 de julio de 2012 [citado 22 de julio de 2024];15(2):82-8. Disponible en:


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