Invitación a participar en edición especial: GERONTOLOGÍA Y GERIATRÍA


Invitación a participar en Edición Especial: NEUROCIENCIA

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Invitación a participar en Edición Especial: INVESTIGACIÓN CUALITATIVA

Paper Submission Special Edition: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH

Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 2 (2023): (2023) August - November 2023 Advance Edition: Mental Health, Evidence-Based Nursing, Practice Guideline
					View Vol. 26 No. 2 (2023): (2023) August - November 2023 Advance Edition: Mental Health, Evidence-Based Nursing, Practice Guideline
Published: 2023-09-19

Full Issue

Original Article

Reflective article not derived from research

Reflective article related to research

Science and Art

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MedUNAB, the journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, is a scientific, open access, double blinded peer reviewed journal, that publishes original content scientific articles.

The journal is aimed towards national and international researchers, professionals, specialists and students in the health sciences field. The journal publishes 100% original knowledge generated by scientific activity in the health sciences field, prioritizing research proyects developed under an interprofessional approach, public health and clinical specialties.

MedUNAB follows the ICMJE and COPE ethical standards.

This journal is published quarterly (April - July; August - November; December - March).

Editor-In-Chief: Mary Luz Jaimes Valencia, RN., MSc., PhD.


Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Campus El Bosque
Teléfonos:(+57)(607)6436111 ext 549-529 Fax: 6433948


i-ISSSN: 0123-7047

e-ISSN: 2382-4603

Website Last Update: 20/10/2023