




Volumen 26 Número 53 (junio de 2024) 

Editores invitados: Fundación PARES, Tomas Dosek (REPSAL), Juan Federico Pino (REPSAL)

Tema: Democracia subnacional en Colombia y América Latina

Volumen 26, Número 53 (junio de 2024) – Democracia subnacional en Colombia y América Latina

El número 53 de la Revista Reflexión Política tendrá por objeto la discusión académica sobre el estado actual de la democracia subnacional en Colombia y América Latina.

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Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 53 (2024): Democracia Subnacional en Colombia y América Latina

El número 53 de la Revista Reflexión Política tiene por objeto la discusión académica sobre el estado actual de la democracia subnacional en Colombia y América Latina. Para esta edición especial contamos como editores invitados con: la Fundación PARES, Tomas Dozek y Juan Federico Pino de la Red de Estudios sobre Política Subnacional en América Latina.

Published: 2024-06-29
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ISSN: 0124-0781 (1999 - 2017)
e-ISSN: 2590-8669
Frequency: Two times a year
Editor:Nadia Pérez Guevara



The on-line journal Reflexión Política (ISSN 0124-0781- ISSN 2590-8669) has been a publication of the Institute of Political Studies of Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga since 1999, resulting from the endeavors of the Political Science research group. Starting in 2019 it will publish two issues per year, compared to semi-annual issues previously. The journal features academic and scientific contents that promote reflection and research, aimed at strengthening national and international research communities in the field of Political Science. This publication is at the service of professionals, academics, and other sectors interested in issues concerning Political Science studies.

Reflexión Política is indexed in the Academic Search Premier database, EBSCO Publishing; Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (AL and C Network). It is also registered in the Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (LATINDEX), the Bibliographic Database of Latin American Citations on Social Sciences and Humanities (CLASE) of Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), in the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI) of the University of California UCLA - USA. It is registered in the bibliographic portal Dialnet and in the Ranking by Research Sapiens.

Reflexión Política was indexed in the IBN Publindex (National BibliographicIndex) COLCIENCIAS CT+I Index (National Indexation System of SpecializedPublications on Science, Technology and Innovation) and according to Resolution 0146 de 2022 Por la cual se publica el listado de revistas clasificadas en la Convocatoria 910 de 2021 para indexación de revistas científicas colombianas especializadas - Publindex 2021 is recognized and classified in Category C.